Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Its time for me to put my best foot forward and take the next steps that are destined in my life. Life is scary when you dont know what the next step is, but I have always been the one to take risks in my life. When I decided to take those risk, I reach out to two people in particular. Cory Levont Fulton and Lakeisha Shawntail Gillis, in no particular order, Growing up I never had friends, I was always different , I hung with the caucasians till Cory came to me in hign school and said, " You need to experience life, as is!" I have always escaped to the new place in life, mainly to not deal with the old, OUT WITH THE OLD! IN WITH THE NEW!! Shawn has been my BEST FRIEND now for 14 years now, it seems as if GOD put her on this earth particularly for me! the way our paths crossed is very extraordinary and our life together could never be matched by any other phenomenom created on this earth!! Her Swag! Her Swag! Damn I Love Her Swag!! But 1 lesson they have both taught me is: 1)Never Give Up On Yourself! 2) Love is a Journey! 3) Never Get Too Comfortable! 4) Love Yourself 1st 5) Patience is A Virtue!

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Cory Levont Fulton aKa Tweety

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Lakeisha Shawntail Gillis aKa Shawn

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